Welcome to My Medical Notes (Foundation)

Assalamu'alaikum wbt. This is the second version of My Medical Notes blog where i put the notes during my medical student time. This page is reserved for topic covered during the foundation year including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, ethics and some view points on Islamic medicine. Hope that you will get benefit from this blog. Please pray for me that i can achieve my dream to become an Emergency and Trauma Physician without any problem. T-Q

Muhamad Na'im B Ab Razak (jacknaim) is a Muslim Doctor graduated from Universiti Sains Malaysia and currently working as a housemanship officer in Hospital Tawau, Sabah. Ambitious in pursuing master program in emergency and traumatology medicine and loves to spent his free time joining humanitarian missions, writing and speaks as an amateur public speaker in motivation and comparative religion.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Synthesis of Collagen

Image taken from WikiMedia [link]

1) Formation of pro- α-chain

2) Hydroxylation

3) Glycosylation

4) Assembly and secretion

5) Extracellular cleavage of procollagen molecule

-genes for pro α1 and α2 are transcribed into mRNA’s

-mRNA’s is transcribed to pre pro- α polypeptide chain that are extruded into ER

-Selected proline and lysine residues are hydroxylated

-Selected lysine residue are glycosylated with glucose and galactose

-Three pro-α- chain assembles #intra and inter disulfide bond form at C-terminal polypeptide extension

-Triple helix forms by zipper like folding

-Procollagen molecule secreted from golgi vacuole to ECM

-N terminal and terminal propeptides cleaved by procollagen peptidases

-Self assembly of collagen molecules into fibrils and subsequent cross linking

Picture Summary

Image taken from Oulun Yliopisto

Role of Ascorbic Acid and α-antitrypsin

Describe the importance of:

    1. ascorbic acid in collagen synthesis
    2. α-antitrypsin in elastin degradation (10minutes)

Ascorbic acid

-is a reducing agent

-require for action of prolyl hydroxylase and lysyl hydroxylase

-to produce hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine from hydroxylation of prolyl and lysyl

-important for formation of cross linking of collagen fiber

-if no asorbic acid or deficient, lead to Scurvy


-inhibit a number of proteolytic enzyme that hydrolyze and destroy protein

-it has important role in inhibition of neutrophil elastase

-elastase can degrade elastin, therefore weaken structure like alveolar wall

-therefore, α-antitrypsin inhibit the action of elastase

DNA Repair Mechanism

Describe the mechanism of DNA repair (5 minutes)

-Recognition of altered or distorted part in helix

- Winding of helix

-Removal of damaged part by endonuclease

- DNA polymerase replaces the removal part with dNTP by using undamaged strand as template

-DNA ligase seal the repaired strands

How the cell overcome DNA Mutation

Describe how the cell overcome the DNA mutation (5 marks, Selanjar 1 06/07)

-Proof reading after the copying of template finish

-Strand-directed Mismatch Repair System

-Enzyme that use forces from sun light to break the bonds between dimer.

-Mismatch repair mechanism

-base excision repair mechanism

-Nucleotide excision repair mechanism

Regulation of Enzyme Activity

Outline the regulation of enzyme activity (10 minutes)

Sub cellular compartmentalization

-Enzyme located in specific cellular organelles (eg mitochondria)

-each organelles surround by membrane with unique permeability properties

-these membrane regulate entry or exit of substrate/product

Induction of enzyme synthesis

-Some enzyme are synthesized only when substrate is available

-thus, enzyme activity are regulated by substrate

Zymogen activation

-Enzyme is secreted as larger inactive proenzyme

-zymogen is activated by specific mechanism that cleaves larger inactive enzyme to active enzyme


trypsinogen to trypsin

pepsinogen to pepsin

Product inhibition

-Higher concentration of substrate binds to enzyme and inactivate it

-for example, inhibition of hexokinase by glucose 6 phosphate

-mainly for enzyme that catalyze unidirectional reaction

Feedback inhibition

-inhibition of first enzyme in a sequence of metabolic reaction by the product of last enzyme

-eg regulation of cholesterol synthesize by cholesterol through feedback inhibition of enzyme HMG coA reductase

Covalent modification

-Regulation of metabolism according to physiological need

-phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of enzyme by cAMP mediated mechanism

eg : phosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase activate it

phosphorylation of glycogen synthase inactivate it

Allosteric regulation

-other site than active site

-regulated by allosteric activator and inhibitor